Suddenly, the suspect koenigsegg ccxr edition on the eagle crest
road. The SCPD police bugatti veryon 16.4 will protect and serve. The car racer
VS cop car. Roadblock is run the racer hit stop sign but no crash. They start
to chase but there’s no turbo for racer and jammer. The cop have 4 weapons 5 EMP,
Spike Strip and Roadblock. 3 Aerial Support Helicopter Police. The racer is hit
the traffic police said, “Suspect crash, and repeat suspect is crash.” And police
hit hardest racer suspect the koenigsegg ccxr edition is at critical damage. They
said, “Suspect is damage, don’t be backup.” And the EMP target lock and spike
for suspect and roadblock is called. The cop missed the target the EMP of
suspect and then, the suspect hit the roadblock is crash the cop hit hard and
then move block police for Bust. They each sure they is over. He said, “The
suspect is back to Busted this thing is over.” The time is 11.55 over the
helicopter police said, “The car crash went police hit racer of roadblock.”
is suspect of koenigsegg ccxr edition
and The police is bugatti
veryon 16.4

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